A Holistic Analysis of an Ageing Society in the Light of Social Innovation


  • Mélypataki Gábor
  • Lipták Katalin
  • Pusztahelyi Réka
  • Varga Krisztina




ageing society, innovation at work, social innovation


The problem of an ageing society is not a new one. It has been going on for decades, particularly in the countries of continental Europe. This process raises several issues that cannot be examined from just one angle. It challenges the law, economics, sociology, computer science, and engineering. The issues and problems raised by this phenomenon require complex responses. It is precisely these questions that have given rise to the research we are carrying out in the context of the TINLAB thematic forum on the Future of Work, Future Economics. Our research framework focuses on innovation in the workplace, the social labour market and the relationship between new technologies. Innovations and social innovations linked to these areas can help this significant number of people of all ages.


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How to Cite

Mélypataki, G., Lipták, K., Pusztahelyi, R., & Varga, K. (2023). A Holistic Analysis of an Ageing Society in the Light of Social Innovation. Miskolci Jogi Szemle, 18(1), 38–54. https://doi.org/10.32980/MJSz.2023.1.38