The emergence of traffic endangerment offences and the history of its regulation

The evolution of the question of guilt, with particular regard to road endangerment


  • Koller Edit



road endangerment, intentionality, offences committed in excess of intent, offences of violence, changes in the law


Traffic offences, including traffic endangerment offences, have become part of our everyday life thanks to technology and the accelerated pace of life. At the same time, offences involving the use of a motor vehicle as a means of crimes against life have increased in number. In the case of the latter, it is often debated whether they should be judged as traffic offences or crimes against life. In my study, I will provide an overview of the appearance and classification issues of traffic endangerment offences in our criminal codes.


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How to Cite

Koller, E. (2023). The emergence of traffic endangerment offences and the history of its regulation: The evolution of the question of guilt, with particular regard to road endangerment. Miskolci Jogi Szemle, 18(1), 143–157.