
  • Design of Machines and Structures

    Design of Machines and Structures (ISSN 1785-6892 (Print), ISSN 2064-7522 (Online)) was introduced first in 2003, by Volume 1 Number 1. This number of the journal was published in Hungarian and was dedicated to Machine Tools Department of the University of Miskolc for its previous 50 years. In 2012 after a long break the journal was published again with the papers of the Department of Machine and Product Design. The main focus of the journal is the machine design. In connection with this acoustics, noise, vibration, tribology, machine elements and machine tools design, mechatronics, robotics, machine diagnostics, car industry, industrial design, material technology are some of the topics. From 2012 the journal is to be published twice a year in English and reached on this page in electronic version. 

  • European Integration Studies

    The aim of the journal is to publish articles on the legal, economic, political and cultural sides of the European integration process. 

    Assessment of articles is double-blind peer review. (2 times per year)

  • Geosciences and Engineering


    HU ISSN 2063-6997
    A Publication of the University of Miskolc
    Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering
    Miskolc, University Press

  • Hungarian Materials and Chemical Sciences and Engineering

    The Hungarian Materials and Chemical Sciences and Engineering publishes reviews and full-length papers in all aspects of materials science and chemistry. This includes, but is not limited to, materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, fuels, nanostructured or biological materials, laboratory or industrial scale experimental results, simulation or construction of experimental device or equipment, modelling related to chemical engineering, etc.

  • Journal for Health Sciences

    The Journal for Health Sciences is an open access scientific journal. It aims to provide a common platform for current and future professionals in the field of medicine and health sciences. The journal does not exclude research in other health-related disciplines.

  • Miskolci Jogi Szemle

    A Miskolci Jogi Szemle a Miskolci Egyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Karának lektorált folyóirata.
    A folyóirat eredeti tanulmányokat, fordításokat és tanulmányértékű recenziókat közöl a jogtudomány valamennyi területéről. Lapunk évente két rendes számmal jelenik meg, júliusban és decemberben. A rendes lapszámokon kívül a folyóirat különszámokat is kiad.
    A folyóirat átmenetileg még a honlapon is elérhető. A korábbi lapszámok tartalma, a folyóirat teljes archívuma itt megtekinthető: 

  • Multidisciplinary Sciences

    Multidisciplinary Sciences is a journal of the University of Miskolc.

  • Production Systems and Information Engineering

    The aim of the journal is to publish quality research papers on the area of

    • information engineering

    • software engineering

    • production engineering

    • control engineering

    • applied mathematics

    • logistic information systems

  • Publications in Applied Linguistics

    A folyóirat az alkalmazott nyelvészet és az általános nyelvészet ágaihoz és a határterületekhez kapcsolódóan közöl tanulmányokat, a legfrissebb tudományos munkákról készült recenziókat, valamint hazai és külföldi konferenciákról szóló beszámolókat. 

  • Publicationes Universitatis Miskolcinensis Sectio Juridica et Politica

    Title of the journal: Publicationes Universitatis Miskolcinensis, Sectio Juridica et Politica
    ISSN print: 0866-6032
    Periodicity: 2 issue/ year
    Assessment of articles: double-blind peer
  • Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary

    Our journal, "Strategic Issues of Northern Hungary ECONOMY-REGION-SOCIETY " is published four times a year (three times in Hungarian language and one is in English language) and its intention is twofold. First one: to ensure wider publicity for studies on analyzing social and economic situation, development opportunities, ways of development in the North-Hungarian region and northern part of the Charpatian Basin. Second one: to introduce scientific and professional regional workshops in the field of regional development, town planning, urban and regional economic researches.

    The papers are reviewed before publication, we use a double-blind peer review process! The journal is both, printed and electronically (open-access).

    We wellcome our readers in the hope that our efforts contribute to the improvement of regional competitiveness!

  • Studia Iurisprudentiae Doctorandorum Miskolciensium

    A Studia Iurisprudentiae Doctorandorum Miskolciensium, azaz a Miskolci Doktoranduszok Jogtudományi Tanulmányai a Miskolci Egyetem Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskolájának lektorált folyóirata, amely évente két alkalommal jelenik meg elektronikus és nyomtatott formában.

  • Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management

    Theory, Methodology, Practice (TMP) – Review of Business and Management was launched by the Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc in 2002, with the aim of providing a forum for high-quality original research papers on the subject of business (including the business environment) and management.

  • Mesterségesintelligencia‑kutatások a Miskolci Egyetemen

    A kiadvány célja a Miskolci Egyetem Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Karának Informatikai és Matematikai Intézeteiben végzett mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos kutatások eredményeinek közzététele.

  • Central European Academy Law Review

    The Central European Academy Law Review is a student-run journal whose primary purpose is to establish an academic publication forum for legal scholars and practitioners. The Review accepts legal scholarship of all kinds, irrespective of whether it is of private, public, EU or international law nature, provided that it concentrates on legal issues related to the Central and Eastern European region.