The Role of European Employment Strategy in Knowledge Transfer Based on the Example of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County


  • Gizella Sikora Tóthné University of Miskolc


Knowledge Transfer, Employment Strategy, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Hungary


In the first part of the essay I am dealing with the achievements, concerning employment, of the European Union, in the second
part I am trying to answer the question whether to what extent it is possible to utilise the knowledge and expertise, accumulated
in the European Union, in solving the problems of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County being in the most critical employment crisis.
In the process of the accession of Hungary to the European Union, it is becoming important to take over the stock of knowledge
accumulated in the European Union and the ‘Community achievements’. The European Employment Strategy, that is built on
the common and co-ordinated influencing of the economic and employment processes, is an achievement of this kind for the
Hungarian employment policy. The guidelines of the employment policy, which serves as a basis for that co-ordination, have
appeared in the set of goals and means of the Hungarian employment policy as well.
The economic situation of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County has been characterised by structural problems and an employment crisis
for more than a decade. The Labour Market Fund provides centralised and decentralised budgets through its sub-fund of
employment. I have also looked into the use of financial means. I found that the knowledge transfer is to be developed and the
preparation for receiving the Social Fund of the European Union should be continued.


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How to Cite

Sikora Tóthné, G. . (2002). The Role of European Employment Strategy in Knowledge Transfer Based on the Example of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 1(01), 81–87. Retrieved from


