Our Journal is indexed by:
The first round of evaluation is done by the members of the Editorial Board. Each paper submitted to TMP is evaluated according to the following criteria: 1) meeting the formal requirements 2) the paper’s contribution to knowledge; 3) its potential to attract the interest of an international audience. Papers meeting the requirements are sent for review.
Our journal uses a double-blind peer review system. As all references to the author(s) are removed from the submitted papers (including footnotes, acknowledgements etc.), the author(s) and the referees cannot have any knowledge of each other. Submitted papers are blind reviewed by at least two respected scholars of the field (holding a PhD) based in Miskolc and at our partner universities in Europe and around the world.
Reviewers evaluate the papers according to the following criteria: 1) Originality; 2) Significance; 3) Relevance; 4) Overall classification; 5) Structure validation (structure; citations and references; figures and tables; abstract; discussion & conclusion); 6) Strength; 7) Weaknesses; 8) Comments & Recommendations.
The reviewers may suggest the following options: 1) Accept without further revisions; 2) Accept with minor revisions; 3) Accept with major revisions; 4) Reject.
The final decision on whether the articles are accepted or rejected is made by the editorial board, based on the report made by the referees.
The evaluation sheet used for the peer review may be downloaded from here.