Towards the information society
Information societyAbstract
A new social class of the XXI century, the information society, is emerging as a result of the convergence of telecommunication,
information technology and electronic media called infocommunication technologies (ICT) and it is based on the developing
information networks. It is characterized by the globalization of the world economy, the appearance of new products and services,
the introduction of new work structures and changes in the labour force, bilateral communication based on the use of information
resources all over the world and new tools for practicing democracy. It is impossible not to take into account these extended processes
as a result of globalization. On the contrary, taking an initiatory and active part in it, nations and generations can take economic
and social advantage of it. For Hungary it means increasing chances of integration by breaking out of the past and bridging the gaps,
thus, all efforts must be made to ensure the necessary conditions for it.
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