Preconditions for the Realization of Socio-Economic Modernization in Hungary


  • Erzsébet Nováky Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi és Államigazgatási Egyetem


modernization, stability/instability, future orientation, factor four, future-oriented education system


In her paper the author emphasises that economic and social modernization are of equal importance nowadays in Hungary. For
economic modernization the possibility of the modification of socio-economic processes, and for social modernization the futureshaping
power constitutes the main precondition. While the modification of socio-economic processes can be investigated by their
stability/instability analyses, the future-shaping power can be gauged by the future orientation of individuals and social
organizations. “Factor four” provides the guidelines for economic modernization, and a future-oriented education and training
system can ensure a solid basis for social modernization.

Author Biography

Erzsébet Nováky, Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi és Államigazgatási Egyetem



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How to Cite

Nováky, E. (2004). Preconditions for the Realization of Socio-Economic Modernization in Hungary. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 2(01), 39–44. Retrieved from


