The “winners” and the “losers” of Romanian economic transition


  • Mária Vincze Babeş-Bolyai University


changes in transition, differences in regional competitiveness, urban-rural disparity, poverty groups and comparative advantages of sectors


We tried to reveal some relative „winners” and „losers” of the post-socialist transformation process in Romania The relative „winner”
or „loser” positions of the development regions, of the urban and rural areas, of the different population groups and of the activities
of Romanian economy are emphasized by statistical databases. The main territorial „winner” in the 90s was the region of Bucharest,
the Transylvanian regions, in general, could not improve their relative positions. One of the „losers” is the rural area, mainly the
agricultural activity, which became a buffer for hidden unemployment. The majority of employees, peasants, retired people and
mainly the unemployed, are net „losers” in economic respect, at least on short-term. We have to mention that about all of Romania’s
population, concerning democracy, are winners.

Author Biography

Mária Vincze, Babeş-Bolyai University



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How to Cite

Vincze, M. (2004). The “winners” and the “losers” of Romanian economic transition. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 2(01), 83–89. Retrieved from


