Change by Successful Projects - IT and Change Projects in Hungary


  • Csaba Deák University of Miskolc


Change projects, IT support, Reengineering projects


The article’s attempt is to answer the management and organizational questions arisen about Hungarian change projects. The
objectives of my research* were to uncover special areas concerning change management and reengineering projects and to
investigate the conscious, organizational change for improving performance in the Hungarian economic environment.
An effective change project cannot be reached without an IT support, requiring the demands of the age, because it plays an
important role either in analyzing preparations of decisions, or in the realization of the change. The development of informatics in
Hungary shows some deficiency both in the aspect of quality and in reliability. The imperfect development of informatics ruins the
effects of changing projects. In general, though it depends on the nature of the project and the kind of work you do; you might have
to engage in a variety of tasks you haven't tackled before, such as assembling a team to complete the project on time and on budget,
mapping out a plan and monitoring your progress at key steps along the way, using appropriate planning tools such as project
management software or wall charts and keeping your team motivated and on target.
In the research special Hungarian characteristic features were emphasized and a methodology of process change projec was created
regarding the domestic circumstances. New and original statements were made, which deal with the achievement of change, the role
of information technology, objectives and results of change projects in Hungary.

Author Biography

Csaba Deák, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Deák, C. (2005). Change by Successful Projects - IT and Change Projects in Hungary. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 3(01), 17–22. Retrieved from


