The Consequences of the Diversity of Innovation Development in Industry
nnovation development, Ukrainian industryAbstract
It is well known that when high economic growth rates are not supported by the diversity of the economy and the faster development
of human capital, then the economic growth efficiency will be understated [1].
Unfortunately, lately and nowadays only one direction of innovation activity prevails in Ukraine. This is the adoption of new
technological means with the purpose to increase the range of goods. But the creation of new technologies within the enterprise is
considered to be of secondary importance. This results in negative consequences, namely in a decrease in long-range innovation
development, loss of quality and level of novelty, also a redistribution of proportions of the present scientific and technological
potential in industry and an insufficient level of innovation in economic entities. This is significant when buying scientific and
technical achievements, as Ukrainian commodity producers prefer licenses to use the objects of industrial property that are native
elaborations on known technologies, which is explained by their lower price.
Thus, evidently the process of the diversification of industrial innovation development can be positive in direction but may vary
according to the results of the influence of economy, nature and population.
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