Where is the Limit? Barriers of Theories – Organisations without Boundaries


  • István Szintay University of Miskolc




The paper addresses the issue of inter-organisational cooperation. Networks change economic relations fundamentally; however,
theory has devoted so far relatively little attention to this development of significance in economic history. It can be attributed to the
fact that many evaluate the transformation of large vertical concerns into loose networks as unambiguously as gaining ground by the
market against hierarchies. Although there is no doubt that the transformation of large organisations into networks of independent
contractors revitalises the market, at the same time it also changes the nature of market relations.

Author Biography

István Szintay, University of Miskolc



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How to Cite

Szintay, I. . (2012). Where is the Limit? Barriers of Theories – Organisations without Boundaries. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 8(01), 83–90. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/tmp/article/view/1419


