The Choice of the Public-Private Partnership Model to Address Social and Economic Development of the State in the Context of a Competitive Environment with Uncertainty and Risks


  • Sergey Mekhovich
  • Anastasiia Kolesnichenko


public-private partnership, the partnership model, partnership schemes, risks


This article discusses the growing importance of public-private partnership due to modern economic conditions and extensive privatization activity. The institute of public-private partnership provides mechanisms for redistribution of risk among the subjects of new market relations. This cooperation appeared as a result of the complex development process during the last two decades. Today it plays a significant role in problem solving concerning public infrastructure development.

Author Biographies

Sergey Mekhovich


Anastasiia Kolesnichenko

Post-graduate student


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How to Cite

Mekhovich, S. ., & Kolesnichenko, A. . (2014). The Choice of the Public-Private Partnership Model to Address Social and Economic Development of the State in the Context of a Competitive Environment with Uncertainty and Risks. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 10(01), 63–69. Retrieved from