Customer Participation: Mandatory or Voluntary Behaviour?


  • Ida Ercsey Széchenyi István University



value co-creation, consumer participation behaviour, consumer citizenship behaviour, Generations Y and X


Service providers need to develop a competitive advantage in the market. One strategy is value co-creation, which means a mutual creation of value and experience. Two types of the customer value co-creation behavior have been identified; consumer participation behaviour and consumer citizenship behaviour. In our research we conducted a survey with two generation groups. We applied factor analyses and determined the factors of customer participation and citizenship behaviour. The findings can be used to identify the level of consumer value co-creation and to segment the service market.

Author Biography

Ida Ercsey, Széchenyi István University

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ercsey, I. . (2016). Customer Participation: Mandatory or Voluntary Behaviour?. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 12(01), 27–36.