The Effect of Dynamic Relationship Capabilities on B2B Lolyalty


  • Márton Vilmányi University of Szeged
  • Erzsébet Hetesi University of Szeged



dynamic relational capability, relationship success, B2B loyalty


The focal issue of our study is to model the adaptation capability of enterprises from a relational point of view in the South Great Plain Region of Hungary. Our main question is how enterprises can modify their relational behaviour in B2B markets to ensure the success of their relationships. We use the resource based view from a dynamic aspect. To operationalise the investigation problem we use the dynamic relational capability framework. In the study we investigate the perceived values of dynamic relational capability and the effect of relational capability on the perceived relationship success.

Author Biographies

Márton Vilmányi, University of Szeged

Associate Professor

Erzsébet Hetesi, University of Szeged



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How to Cite

Vilmányi, M. ., & Hetesi, E. (2016). The Effect of Dynamic Relationship Capabilities on B2B Lolyalty. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 12(01), 79–88.