A Postmodern Employment Model on the Peripheries


  • Éva G. Fekete University of Miskolc




postmodern employment model, public work employment, social economy


A new employment model has been evolving in the advanced economies since the 1980s. A change in labour and labour force management has led to an extreme rise in unemployment and, hence, social exclusion. In order for labour to retain its function as a value driver, a societal organiser and an engine of individual development a new (let us say “postmodern”) employment model should be developed and strengthened.

In Hungary, the most marked change to the employment model is an increase in the importance of the role of the state and local governments as employers and a growing reliance on public work as a means of employment. The question is how public work can be incorporated into a sustainable postmodern employment model and channelled towards forand non-profit undertakings. While seeking to find an answer to this question, we also provide an outline of the characteristics of the employment situation in Hungary.

Author Biography

Éva G. Fekete, University of Miskolc



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How to Cite

G. Fekete, Éva. (2016). A Postmodern Employment Model on the Peripheries. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 12(Special Issue), 41–54. https://doi.org/10.18096/TMP.2016.02.04