Enterprise Models in Terms of Sustainability


  • Mária Illés University of Miskolc




sustainability, globalization, natural rate of unemployment, enterprise models


The economy, with its driving forces, operating conditions and the consumers’ motivation, plays the determining role in the forming of sustainability. The present paper examines a narrower issue within this: the structure of an enterprise model that can be operated in accordance with the requirements of sustainability. The examined model variants essentially differ in risk holder types. The paper discusses two very important criteria of matching to sustainability. On one hand, the smooth operation of the company should not require the existence of the natural rate of unemployment; on the other hand, the driving force related to the success of the enterprise should remain within the company. The model where these two requirements are met concurrently is the working people’s enterprise basic model. When the two criteria mentioned above are met, various model variants may be viable. The presentation of the operating conditions and operating mechanisms of these models can build new aspects in the process of sustainability research.

Author Biography

Mária Illés, University of Miskolc



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How to Cite

Illés, M. (2016). Enterprise Models in Terms of Sustainability. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 12(Special Issue), 55–67. https://doi.org/10.18096/TMP.2016.02.05

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