Technology Acceptance Model in an Environmental and Organizational Context (evidence from Kazakhstan)


  • Aigul Meirmanova University of Miskolc



Government support, organizational support, moderator, farmers


The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of the environmental and organizational moderators on farmers’ e-commerce adoption behaviour. Data were collected from 384 wheat farmers in Kazakhstan. Descriptive analysis and multiple group analysis findings revealed that environmental (i.e. government) and organizational moderators had an insignificant effect on the relationship of the dependent variables (between behavioural intention and usage behaviour). However, there is a positive impact of the environmental (i.e. government) and organizational moderators on the relationship between the independent variables (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Social Influence, Facilititating Conditions, Compatibility) and dependent variable (behavioural intention).

Author Biography

Aigul Meirmanova, University of Miskolc

Ph.D Candidate


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How to Cite

Meirmanova, A. . (2021). Technology Acceptance Model in an Environmental and Organizational Context (evidence from Kazakhstan). Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 17(01), 3–13.