Territorial Differences in Hungary's Residential Property Market
residential real estate, built residential properties, regional differences, Moran I index, real estate marketAbstract
Investigations related to residential real estate can still be considered topical issues today. During our research, on the one hand, we drew conclusions based on long-term data series, and on the other hand, with the help of horizontal, territorial investigations, we revealed spatial correlations regarding the events of the past decade. In our article, firstly we reviewed some concepts related to real estate, with special attention to the domestic literature. With the help of long time series data, we examined the relationship between the change in the residential population and the stock of residential real estate. We have revealed connections, or we specified the number of built residential properties and the real income per capita, as well as examined the distribution of apartments according to comfort in the regions of our country. During our research, we also looked at how the concentration of housing transactions between private individuals changed in relation to the Central Hungarian region and the countryside. Using the 2010 and 2020 data, the Moran I index and based on the territorial autocorrelation, we clarified our correlations regarding the number of built residential real estates.
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