Genetic Algorithms as Optimalisation Procedures


  • Sándor Karajz University of Miskolc


Genetic Algorithms, Optimalisation Procedures


Drawing a parallel between biological and economic evolution provides an opportunity for the description of dynamic economic
processes changing in time by using genetic algorithms. The first step in finding algorithms in biological and economic processes is
to draw a parallel between the terms used in both disciplines and to determine the degree of elaboration of analogues. On the basis
of these ideas it can be stated that most biological terms can be used both in economics and in the social field, which satisfies the
essential condition for successful modeling.
Genetic algorithms are derived on the basis of Darwin-type biological evolution and the process starts from a possible state
(population), in most cases chosen at random. New generations emerge from this starting generation on the basis of various
procedures. These generating procedures go on until the best solution to the problem is found. Selection, recombination and
mutation are the most important genetic procedures.

Author Biography

Sándor Karajz, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Karajz, S. (2007). Genetic Algorithms as Optimalisation Procedures. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 4(01), 37–41. Retrieved from


