Possible Sources for Progress of the Shared Service Market in Hungary


  • Róbert Marciniak University of Miskolc


Shared Services, Hungarian Service Market, Source Strategy


The aim of a shared service model is improving processes and ensuring more cost-efficient operation. In this paper I focus on the
Hungarian shared service market. In my research I analyzed a number of Hungarian shared service case studies to disclose the main
characteristics of the market. To determine those drivers that contribute to the growth and those obstacles that hinder it, I
interviewed some key experts from these service markets. In this paper I introduce the role of Central and Eastern Europe in the
global market, the importance of this sector in the labor market and state budget and uncover the competition among the regional
countries. I compared the positions of these countries in this competition and analyzed what could be the break point for Hungary.

Author Biography

Róbert Marciniak, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Marciniak, R. (2012). Possible Sources for Progress of the Shared Service Market in Hungary. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 8(01), 41–45. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/tmp/article/view/1413


