Heritage Tourism, Thematic Routes and Possibilities for Innovation


  • Katalin Nagy University of Miskolc


Heritage, thematic routes, heritage development project, tourism innovation


Heritage tourism is a recently “fashionable” phenomenon, also an answer for present-day trends. Views are different concerning
what belongs to this concept; some consider only cultural values, some others rank natural values as well, and parts of the World
Heritage have unique place among them. Thematic routes are a special opportunity for heritage tourism, targeting new groups by
additional programs and attractions, making them more interesting, attractive and diversified. They play an important role in
common European programs, too, like the Cultural Routes Program of the European Council. When developing thematic routes,
especially those based on heritage elements, there are a number of special aspects which have to be taken into account, like
authenticity and local initiation. Experiencing globalisation in tourism as well, we can state that success is based on innovation.
Regarding heritage tourism, product, service, organisation and process innovations are equally required as new ways of being

Author Biography

Katalin Nagy, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Nagy, K. (2012). Heritage Tourism, Thematic Routes and Possibilities for Innovation. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 8(01), 46–53. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/tmp/article/view/1414


