The Social Problem Sensitivity of the Hungarian Population and Their Social Marketing Sensitivity


  • István Piskóti University of Miskolc


Social problem identification, value community, stakeholder management, integrated social marketing, heory of reasoned-action, theory of planned-behaviour


This study moves beyond the institutional approach to social marketing, interpreting social marketing as an integrated model and
practice, with the objective of providing more complex solutions to social problems and promoting the achievement of social
objectives. The research program, which has been in progress for two years, interprets social marketing as being a form of
stakeholder management shaping behaviours acting along value communities. An empirical representative questionnaire inquiry is
introduced that assesses sensitivity, undertaking activities and feeling of responsibility of Hungarian citizens towards social
problems. This study also analyses the connections between the importance of values, problem-relatedness, individual responsibility,
information gathering habits and hindering-factor approaches, that is, Hungarian behavioural elements of integrated social
marketing applications.

Author Biography

István Piskóti, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Piskóti, I. . (2012). The Social Problem Sensitivity of the Hungarian Population and Their Social Marketing Sensitivity . Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 8(01), 59–67. Retrieved from


