Practical Issues with Decision Preparation of Facility Investments in the National Manufacturing Industry


  • Klára Szűcs Markovics University of Miskolc



facility management, facility investments, investment decisions, economic decision-preparation process, evaluation of economic efficiency


This study deals with a few practical issues related to preparing facility investment decisions and is based on the findings of a questionnaire survey conducted in 2016. This study discusses the length of time required to prepare economic decisions on investing in facilities, the people to be engaged in investment preparation processes and corporate practices concerning analyses of economic efficiency and ranking of projects. Survey findings show that companies spend several months preparing decisions about facility investments and involve not only owners and top management in this process, but also financiers and investment experts. A relatively high proportion of companies usually evaluate the economic efficiency and rank the investments.

Author Biography

Klára Szűcs Markovics, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Szűcs Markovics, K. (2017). Practical Issues with Decision Preparation of Facility Investments in the National Manufacturing Industry. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 13(02), 71–81.