The Social Role of Intership Programmes in Reducing Migration from a County Seat


  • Eszter Polonkai University of Miskolc
  • Klára Szűcs Markovics University of Miskolc



internship programme, migration, social innovation


This article deals with the role of internship programmes in encouraging young graduates from higher education to stay in their home region and is based on the findings of a questionnaire survey conducted in 2017. The aim of our research was to get a close view of the intern’s motivation and of their satisfaction; futhermore, whether they would like to work for the company and thanks to that stay in the region. Survey findings show that 56 percent of the respondents feel it is important to be employed close to their home, and 80 percent of the interns would like to work in a full-time position as soon as possible and aim to stay the company after the internship programme. These results would suggest that the internship programmemes of the multinational companies help to encourage young graduates to stay in their home region.

Author Biographies

Eszter Polonkai, University of Miskolc

MA student

Klára Szűcs Markovics, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Polonkai, E. ., & Szűcs Markovics, K. . (2018). The Social Role of Intership Programmes in Reducing Migration from a County Seat. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 14(02), 39–55.