Study Compliance of Economic Security of Ukraine


  • Tetiana Kobielieva National Technical University, Kharkov



compliance, economic security, compliance security, shadow economy, corruption


The article examines the current state of security compliance of the Ukrainian economy. The essence of compliance and the possibility of its use to characterize the economic security of the object of study are considered. Various types of compliance violations in the Ukrainian economy over several years have been investigated. The main trends that are characteristic of the economies of Ukraine in the area of compliance are identified and substantiated: the level of the shadow economy, the number of officially registered compliance violations in industrial enterprises and their structure, the level of corruption and its perception in Ukraine, etc.
It is proposed to determine the compliance safety of an industrial enterprise as protection of the vital interests of an industrial enterprise from external and internal violations of laws, regulations, standards, constituent and internal documents of an enterprise by determining, assessing and minimizing (eliminating) compliance risks. Recommendations are given for the industrial enterprises of Ukraine with the aim of improving their economic security.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kobielieva, National Technical University, Kharkov

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kobielieva, T. . (2019). Study Compliance of Economic Security of Ukraine. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 15(01), 35–44.