Analysis of the Asset Structure of Hungarian District Heat Suppliers, with Special Regard to the Fixed Assets, Based on the Companies’ 2009-2017 Accounts


  • Gábor Béla Süveges University of Miskolc



District heat supply, District heat producers, account analysis, asset structure


Nowadays in Hungary, district heating has 677,000 fee payers in 93 settlements, for the provision of which 89 companies are responsible. There are, however, differences in the ownership background, in the technical structure, in the activities carried out by the district heat producers and in the number of the consumers supplied. This paper examines the asset structure of the Hungarian district heat suppliers, with special regard to their fixed asset ratio. The research aims to explore whether the companies’ activities have an effect on their asset structure on the one hand and whether there are any significant differences between some special characteristics (pipeline length, number of fee payers) of the district heat suppliers and the tangible asset ratio. Using the data derived from the accounts of the Hungarian district heat suppliers and from technical and economic data, information from nine years (2009-2017) were analyzed.

Author Biography

Gábor Béla Süveges, University of Miskolc

Master Instructor


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How to Cite

Süveges, G. B. . (2019). Analysis of the Asset Structure of Hungarian District Heat Suppliers, with Special Regard to the Fixed Assets, Based on the Companies’ 2009-2017 Accounts. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 15(02), 65–75.