Availability Ranking and Regional Disparities of the Transport Infrastructure in Northern Hungary


  • Ildikó Győrffy University of Miskolc


Infrastructure, Regional development, Availability, Road network, Location theory


Studies that analyze the economic impacts of the transport system mostly deal with entire countries or larger territories. However,
the effects of the transport system on regions or sub-regions have increasing importance. The inadequate quality and density of the
minor, access and connecting roads as well as the low quality of the transport services might be one of the most important reasons
for regional disparity. As a result, the quality and quantity of micro-relations should be included amongst the aims of road
infrastructure developments.
In the study I have described the availability position of the 174 Hungarian sub-regions. To streamline and enlarge the regional road
infrastructure would be necessary to improve our competitive potential and also to assist and increase the economic development
processes. Their economic, social and institutional terms have to possess satisfactory internal and external connections.

Author Biography

Ildikó Győrffy, University of Miskolc

Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Győrffy, I. . (2010). Availability Ranking and Regional Disparities of the Transport Infrastructure in Northern Hungary. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 5(01), 19–23. Retrieved from https://ojs.uni-miskolc.hu/index.php/tmp/article/view/1343


