An Empirical Study of the Development of Information and Communication Technology in Hungary


  • Péter Sasvári University of Miskolc


information society, information and communication technology, ICT, economic branch, electronic presence, electronic marketplace


As I could not find a reliable mathematical and statistical method for studying the effect of information communication technology on
businesses in the literature, I proposed a new research and analysis method that I also used to study the Hungarian economic
An essential question for enterprises is what factors have an effect on their net income.. First, I studied the potential indicators
related to economic sectors, then I compared those indicators to the net income of the enterprises surveyed. The data resulting from
this comparison showed that the growing penetration of electronic marketpalces contributed to the change in the net income of
enterprises in various Hungarian economic sectors to the extent of 37%.
Among all the potential indicators, only the indicator of electronic marketplaces has a direct influence on the net income of
enterprises. However, the effect of electronic presence is also significant as it has a huge effect on the potential indicator of
electronic marketplaces.
It was practical to determine two clusters based on the potential indicators. Eight economic sectors have been placed in the first,
while five sectors have been placed in the second cluster. Only the money which is spent on professional training has a more
significant effect on what cluster a sector belongs to.

Author Biography

Péter Sasvári, University of Miskolc

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Sasvári, P. (2010). An Empirical Study of the Development of Information and Communication Technology in Hungary. Theory, Methodology, Practice - Review of Business and Management, 5(01), 51–57. Retrieved from


