Employment Position in the Hungarian Least Developed Micro-regions (LHH)
micro-regions, labour market, discriminant analysisAbstract
The paper describes the position of the least developed micro-regions (LHH) that are to be supported by the current Hungarian
complex programme, with special regard to their employment and unemployment position. I have a double aim with this work. On
the one hand, I aim at describing the position of LHH micro-regions in the national context with the help of different statistical
indicators, setting up diagnosis and formulating breaking points and proposals that can generate projects supporting catching up in
the future. On the other hand, with statistical–econometric calculations, I aim at proving that the methodology of the micro-regional
classification of the governmental decree 311/2007. (XI.17.) has a different result when only labour market indicators are included
in the calculations, instead of the all applied complex indicators.
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