Miskolc as a “Smart City” – Experiences of a Questionnaire Survey


  • László Molnár University of Miskolc
  • Zoltán Nagy University of Miskolc
  • Zsolt Péter University of Miskolc
  • Tekla Szép University of Miskolc
  • Dóra Szendi University of Miskolc




smart city concept, resilience, smart applications, urban development areas


In today’s globalized world the socio-economic role of cities is decisive, therefore they have become one of the most important scenes where responses are given to the complex challenges facing our society. For a city to be successful and competitive, it is necessary to strengthen its flexible resistance, in other words, its resilience. For this purpose, efficient steps could be taken, benefiting from the results of digitization and Industry 4.0, by using smart applications and developments. Nowadays, smart city development and the application of smart/intelligent technologies are gaining an increasing focus in the development of a city. In our study we present the partial results of a primary quantitative research that we conducted in 2019 among the inhabitants of the City of Miskolc, in the age group of 20-64 years. With the help of a questionnaire survey, we were looking for the main focus points that should be given priority in urban smart developments according to the inhabitants’ opinion.
Currently, Miskolc is at a medium level in terms of available smart cities technologies – in the inhabitants’ view. According to the opinion of the inhabitants of Miskolc it would be of outstanding importance to introduce smart solutions in the health care, education, safety and fire protection, environmental protection and air pollution.

Author Biographies

László Molnár, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor

Zoltán Nagy, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor

Zsolt Péter, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor

Tekla Szép, University of Miskolc

Associate Professor

Dóra Szendi, University of Miskolc

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Molnár, L. ., Nagy, Z., Péter, Z., Szép, T. ., & Szendi, D. . (2021). Miskolc as a “Smart City” – Experiences of a Questionnaire Survey. Theory, Methodology, Practice – Review of Business and Management, 17(Special Issue), 11–21. https://doi.org/10.18096/TMP.2021.01.02

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